Frequently Asked Questions

Who can benefit from ShipperCheck services?

Shippers, brokers, broker agents, dispatchers, and ultimately, carriers and delivery point receivers.

Why use ShipperCheck?

ShipperCheck focuses on providing a suite of essential services for the transportation and logistics industry. This means that our team has examined the industry needs of agents and distilled the services down to reliable, affordable performance. With efficiency in moving freight as the chief factor in our ultimate decision to present services to agents, we have designed them to make your job as a freight agent easier.

What are the rates of your services?

Please see our clear pricing on our services.

How do I cancel?

ShipperCheck is a pay-in-advance service and you may request to cancel at any time. A request to cancel a ShipperCheck account must be made at least 7 days prior to the next invoice date or the service will continue through the next billing period. Cancellations will take effect on the last day of the billing period in which the cancellation is processed. No portion of a payment will be refunded or prorated at the time a cancellation request is made.

What is your refund policy?

ShipperCheck is a subscription-based service, and payment is made in advance (pre-paid) for access to software over a certain time period, regardless of actual usage. Subscriptions are non-cancellable for the pre-paid time period and thus, we do not refund fees or pro-rate for partial usage.

What are your terms and conditions and privacy policy?

Please see ShipperCheck's here: Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.


Transportation and logistics... simplified.

About us

ShipperCheck services are meant to increase your value in the transportation industry. We serve you so that you can serve others. We're excited to be a part of such a dynamic industry. Together, we keep the world moving forward!